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To provide outstanding services and advocacy that promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities.



Thriving Lives in Empowered Communities.

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About Us

Established in 1971, Chinatown Service Center is one of the largest community-based Chinese-American health and human service organization in Southern California. CSC provides a comprehensive range of services to over 100,000 visits annually, organized under four services areas including Social Services (Senior Services, Welfare and Benefits Enrollments and Referral Programs), Federally Qualified Community Health Center (Behavioral Health, Medical, Dental and Optometry), Youth Center and Community Economic Development (Individual Financial Education and Small Business Training and Consultation). Services are available in a variety of Chinese dialects, including, Cantonese, Mandarin, Toishan, Chiu Jou, as well as other languages, such as Vietnamese, and Spanish.


CSC has an annual operating budget of over $10 million, with diverse sources of funding from the federal government, State of California, the County and City of Los Angeles, United Way, Asian Pacific Community Fund, corporate and private foundations, and private donations. Your donation will help us continue to meet the many needs in our community, as well as develop new and innovative projects and that will increase self-sufficiency of low income community members.


Click HERE to make a donation to the Chinatown Service Center now.


For decades, the Chinatown area near downtown Los Angeles served as the primary enclave for recently arrived Chinese immigrants and refugees — the vast majority of whom did not speak English. Then, up to the mid-1970’s, Chinatown did not have the proliferation and variety of Chinese-speaking services and businesses it does today….

Those Chinese immigrants who did not speak English often remained isolated, with no resources to meet their health and welfare needs. With limited English language skills, many in the Chinatown community were unable to access public and private services available to the general public much less take advantage of the wider economic opportunities available in the mainstream society beyond the borders of Chinatown.
A small group of community volunteers recognized the need to address the problems of Chinese immigrants. From this initial recognition of need, evolved today’s general concept of the Chinatown Service Center (CSC) — that is to provide services and resources to help all immigrants and refugees of the community to adjust to and participate in life in the United States.

The actual roots of the CSC go back to 1971, when the Chinese Methodist Church hired a bilingual worker who worked at a small office in the church and counseled many newly arrived Chinese. Over the next four years, these early efforts attracted bilingual volunteers to assist its growing number of clients and its work gained broader community support.

In 1975, CSC moved from its Church affiliation and was incorporated as a non-profit organization dedicated to community service. Shortly thereafter, the CSC became a United Way agency and received an allocation to continue its work. Later that year, we were awarded our first government grant from the City of Los Angeles to establish an employment training program.

Over the next decade, additional needs arose in the community. First, there was a marked proliferation in number of Southeast Asian immigrants and refugees — Cambodian and Vietnamese. Second, the geographical service area expanded dramatically — eastward into adjacent Monterey Park, Alhambra, and the San Gabriel Valley. CSC responded by expanding our staff and providing services far beyond the borders of Chinatown.




In March 1985, CSC began occupying part of the first floor of the newly built, low income senior housing building called Cathay Manor. That location at 600 North Broadway in Chinatown, consists of approximately 5,600 square feet of office, training and counseling facilities. In four years, CSC’s programs had outgrown the Cathay Manor space…

In 1990, the Board of Directors took the bold step of purchasing 8,000 sq. ft. of space located on the fourth floor of Alpine Towers, 767 North Hill Street, about two blocks from the Cathay Manor site. Currently the site houses CSC’s employment and counseling programs, citizenship classes and a computer lab, and CSC’s administrative offices.

In 1991, CSC completed improvements at Alpine Towers, establishing it as CSC’s “main office”. By April, remodeling of the Cathay Manor space was completed, doubling the size of our health clinic and expanding our social service program space. That established the Cathay Manor site as our “branch office”.

In 1992, CSC opened a small part time office in Monterey Park, located on Atlantic Blvd. After three years at that location, CSC’s Monterey Park Office moved to a more accessible site at Chandler and Garvey. The office offers assistance for the elderly who are living at home.

In 1998, CSC’s “branch office” moved to Alpine Towers consolidating all of CSC’s services under one roof.

In 2001, CSC opened a Youth Center at 727 North Broadway to expand its services to youths.

In 2004, CSC remodeled its clinic space to provide dental services.

In 2007, CSC’s clinic was designated a Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC) and changed its name to CSC Community Health Center (CSC CHC) and began the transition to upgrading its records system to state-of-the-art electronic medical records shortly after that.

Anticipating the changing health care needs of its community and noticing that a significant number of its patients were travelling from the San Gabriel Valley (SGV) into Chinatown for its clinical services CSC opened its first satellite Community Health Center site on Garfield Ave. in Alhambra (320 South Garfield Avenue, Suite 118) in 2010 to offer primary care medical services and insurance eligibility assistance.

With American Reinvestment And Recovery Act funds and an additional federal capital grant, in 2011 CSC remodeled and expanded its main office clinic to add three treatment rooms, one dental operatory, a larger waiting room, and overall improvements to patient flow.

In 2015, CSC Community Health Center opened a second Dental Clinic in the City of Monterey Park at 850 South Atlantic Blvd., Suite 303.

In 2016, CSC Community Health Center opened a third Dental Clinic and a second Behavioral Health Division in the City of Alhambra at 320 South Garfield Avenue Suite 126 and Suite 202 to expand one stop Community Health Clinic services in San Gabriel Valley district.

In 2017, CSC Community Health Center another new Medical and Dental clinic service expanded to City of San Gabriel at 555-559 W. Las Tunas Drive, San Gabriel, 91776.

In 2018, we opened an Optometry Department at our main clinic site on Hill Street

In 2019, CSC added specialties services, Chiropractic, G.I. and Podiatry.

On May 1st 2020, CSC was awarded a grant and the US HHS designation of "Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic" (CCBHC), We added Suite #206 at the Alhambra BH Clinic to facilitate the need.  In November, CSC expanded the Alhambra Medical Clinic in adding the adjacent suite #106.  CSC also acquired a new mobile unit to visit school and housing sites.

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 Address. 767 N. Hill Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90012

General Inquiry. (213) 808-1700

Clinical Appointment. (213) 808 1792

Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and
all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law.


Chinatown Service Center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233 (g)-(n).


Chinatown Service Center is an FTCA deemed facility.

Chinatown Service Center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. 


Copyright © 2021 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved.

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